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"Where Wit and Music Meet" in Springfield, Massachusetts

The Tuesday Morning Music Club of Springfield, Massachusetts was founded in 1902—a very long time before In Stile Moderno was ever dreamed up!—but we were really pleased to be invited to perform as guest artists for their membership and friends in April. We reprised our program of the humorous, touching, and dramatic songs of Henry Lawes, "Where Wit and Music Meet."

Most of the TMMC's concerts are by their members, musicians from the Pioneer Valley area. We were guests, and brought something new—seventeenth-century music! Many of the audience members commented on our use of historical pronunciation of English as a real eye-opener, and of course were interested to see and hear a theorbo, some of them for the first time.

It's always exciting to bring our music to audiences who don't already have a lot of experience with early music, and we're always pleased to find that even if it the instruments and style are unfamiliar, the beauty and interest of the music shines through!

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